The Video Dead

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To view this content, you must be a member of Traverse Davies’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Zach Snyders 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead changed the genre again and launched Zach Snyder as a director to be reckoned with. This was also the movie that gave us fast zombies as a genre staple so it has a…
To view this content, you must be a member of Traverse Davies’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
This content is available exclusively to members of Traverse Davies’s Patreon at the time of posting. Become a patron at $1 or more to get exclusive content like this in the future. Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access…
I’ve been at the Black Card Books Bookology Bootcamp for the last two days. I’m going to talk about this now. Black Card Books is a vanity press. They are a damned expensive vanity press as well. The total cost of their…